Are you interested in motorsport and thinking of
becoming a marshal? Then look no further.
Marshalling is a great opportunity to get involved.
Marshals are the lynchpin of our whole sport!
Without the volunteers who freely give up their time
to help ensure the safety of all of us involved in the
sport, events could not happen.

What is a Rally Marshal?
Marshals can get involved in a whole range of tasks starting with the setting up of stages through to operation of the stage start and finish controls, managing service areas and ensuring spectator safety.
There’s no requirement for any formal qualifications but once you get started there’s the opportunity to learn a whole range of skills such as vehicle recovery, first-aid or fire fighting. If administration or communications appeal to you then there is always duties at rally HQ including social media and website updates, marketing, administration and radio communications and much more besides.
Whatever you choose, you will be welcomed and very much appreciated. As a marshal, you will join a group of motorsport enthusiasts who meet regularly at events and club meetings across the length and breadth of the UK so brings a great social aspect too.
Safety is paramount on any motorsport event now, and as such Motorsport UK requires all marshals to be registered and for them to have undertaken a short online training course. This online training course takes less than 45 minutes to complete, and once complete you can then register, for free, as a marshal with Motorsport UK. The online training can be accessed via the following link: https://members.motorsportuk.org/imissite/login/default.asp
If you do wish to marshal on the event you will need to be a Motorsport UK (MUK) Registered marshal and have undertaken Motorsport UK’s on-line accreditation modules. These are great learning and/or refresher modules. If you haven’t already done them it’ll take you between 20 – 45 minutes to run through the learning elements and either learn something new or refresh your memory. There is a small assessment at the end of each module so you can check your learning.
We are always looking for marshals so drop us a line or complete the application in the menu above for our next event.